“I went to pat as I realised my drinking patterns has spiraled out of controll to the point where I knew deep down that it was harming me phyically and emotionally. I hid it well or so I thought as it also affected those around me at home and work to a degree which is now completly clear to me now but which I completly denied or perhaps could not see at the time. Perhaps my reflection will help another person recognise themselves as they read this and take what was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and pick up the phone and call pat and say I think I havd a problem. In my case it was alcohol but I have learnf it can be anything that takes over your life and you cant stop. I was addicted to alcohol. Pat helped me get to a point now as I sit writing this where I have decided I will never drink alcohol again in my life. Pat heled ME decide that this is what I want. The most difficult decision of my life calling Pat but the best one. Pat was completly non judgemental, caring and I felt safe to open up and discuss my issues. I write this in my garden on a sunny sunday april moring where once I would still be in bed with hangover thinking how long to my next drink. Those days are over.” – Anonymous